What is the difference between a "snapshot," and a "work of art?" when we talk about photographs? For the untrained eye, it's simply a matter of opinion, but for a professional photographer, there is always a reason why one picture is desirable, and one is not. In photo class this year, you will be asked to solve problems that ask you to reflect on yourself, your surroundings, and even on your own life. You will create images that have meaning, that evoke emotional impact, and that
speak to whomever might be looking at them. Your photographs will be works of art, and just like a painter uses a brush to create an artwork, you will use images to express yourself and your ideas as a person.
We often hear the expression, "A picture is worth a thousand words," but what does this mean?
Review the slideshow below, and reflect on the discussion we had in class. Then, visit the "masters of photography" link at on the right, or look through magazines and newspapers to find a photograph that you consider a "work of art." Identify the main subject of the photo, and then type that word into Google image search, and you'll find thousands of "similar" photos. But, are they merely snapshots? or will you find a work of art?
1) Find, cut-out, and glue your examples of a snapshot, and your photographic work of art. Label them as such, and below them, write the following information:
Photographer: Who took the picture?
Source: Where did you find the image
Date: When was the photo taken?
2) In your own words, make a strong case as to why you think each is an example of a snapshot and a photographic work of art. Be sure to address each of the following in your response:
-What do you see in each photo? (be specific)
-Is there anything unique or interesting about the photo? If so, explain. If not, explain why it's boring to look at.
-Take a guess as to why the photographer took the picture, what was his/her intent?
-Defend your opinion, why is it a snapshot? Why is it a work of art? Support your opinion with actual things you can see and describe in each image.DUE: TBN