For our second shooting assignment, we will focus on using the "bulb" setting on the shutter speed dial of your camera. The bulb setting allows you to hold the shutter open on your camera for as long as you want, recording movement, light trails, and other strange phenomena that can occur over time. A long exposure is just this: a recording of time passing.
Check out the shooting assignment below. It outlines the expectations and provides some helpful advice for shooting long exposures on your own. You might decide to team up with another classmate, or work independently. Regardless, you will need to have a steady support to keep your camera still, and you will need to consider your light source and composition!
In the mean time, check out the slideshow below to get some inspiration for the many possibilities of long exposures and night photography! Also, check out this link for amazing possibilities for long exposures with colored lights and digital photography, called "light painting."
Period 4A:Tuesday, Dec. 14
PEriod 4B:Monday, Dec. 13